Our Self Healer Community
All healing is self-healing. As an energy practitioner, it is exciting to witness the remarkable things clients heal, and then go forward to do in their lives. I hope we'll add more and more personal victories so others will know they can do it, too!
These anonymous accounts come from notes I've received which describe how healing work has helps others feel better, become healthier, live more vibrant lives.
Cancer vanished
My healing journey began when I met Lisa. I sought her out after reaching the lowest point in my life in all aspects. I was struggling mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. I received a cancer diagnosis right before I met her and decided I needed to make some changes in my life to stop the downward spiral I was on. Working with Lisa throughout the years I’ve learned how to care for myself and to love and appreciate myself. There have been some amazing positive changes in all aspects, especially physically. My cancer diagnosis had all of a sudden disappeared to the astonishment of my doctors. I got accepted into grad school and got a great new job. The positive changes just kept happening from there on.
Overcoming depression
I just wanted to let you know how much better I feel! Whatever you did, was truly magical. The feeling of dread has left and and just feeling more stable ... and actually hopeful! ... I've been feeling so much better and have been processing the lessons that were learned during my "dark night of the soul." Thank you for being an integral part of my learning ... Very powerful -- so grateful to be working with you.
Overcoming addiction
It was an incredible experience plus it's so entertwined with my recovery. I met you at the precise time in my life. ... You're an earth angel.
Quality rest
Just wanted to share that I have been sleeping like a log every night since my energy healing. Such deep sound sleep. It's been really nice.
Releasing fear during cancer treatment
I woke up this morning feeling better than I have for a long time. Not so afraid any more. Still don’t know what is to come but I know now that I can at least breathe, and reminded that it is one step at a time. You are such a light. [this client's stage IV cancer is now benign and according to her naturopathic doctor, the tumor continues to shrink].
A newness to life
All thanks to you for your support. I remember how you told me how I would get this new place of thinking. And I could not see it. Now I can’t even relate to where I once was.
Felt very peaceful after our session last night. Thanks again.
Recovered her voice
I am sure the session with you helped a lot. I didn’t expect the hemorrhage to dissipate so quickly. Now the next step. Thank you, Lisa!
Just a quick update. The hemorrhage is healed and I can talk again but my singing voice is still nonfuctional. I wanted to ask if we could continue to focus on throat chakra.
Hi Lisa, just an update: the day after our session I finally felt the sinus drainage and coughing ease up after weeks! ... and today is the first day in more than a month I can actually sing almost normally! I feel hopeful again and finally see the light at the end of this long tunnel! Thank you so much, because I really feel that you have helped me tremendously! Just wanted you to know that 2 days later I am already so much improved!
Stomach aches relieved
Ever since our session things have been getting better. I do feel more grounded and closer to God as well. I also am valuing my friendships more ... I feel like you played a big part in this. ... And my stomach is feeling better as well.
Sciatica Relief
Thank you so much for yesterday. Sciatic nerve pain all but gone, sleep was very deep and refreshing.
Accelerated wound healing
[regarding a persistent wound that wasn’t healing] Wow! We can’t make this up. Well let me just share this. I removed my bandages and my skin just peeled off, revealing new skin. What a session. Thank u so much!
Bounced back from brain surgery
[Linda had a long distance session just before going into the OR. The next day she sent a group text:] I love you my sisters! It worked Lisa! It is so clear to me how self healing is possible and I'm making it a priority in my life. I feel so much better AND I had brain surgery!
Love Heals
This is heart-centered work.
I am a self-healer, too.
I have done much healing myself, and I know the "path." It's my joy to support you along your way!